Manor Alpha 19 Patch 1
A lot of fixes, some minor stuff and save/load code changes to hopefully speed that up.
+ Fixed a crash occurring when teleporting items off of characters
+ Fixed a crash occurring sometimes when a cop decides to follow a cop after following a different character
+ Hopefully fixed changing the target stat for empowering during an empower action not restarting the empower action using the newly selected stat
+ Fixed trainees in witch bodies not becoming witches when training finishes
+ Hopefully fixed disorientation effect when a succubus is involved in sex or when a character transforms during sex allowing characters to become aware before being disoriented
+ Fixed cops affected by the identity mirror remaining as cops
+ Fixed being able to use yard upgrade materials to upgrade a yard past its max upgrade level
+ Fixed being able to upgrade rooms other than yards with any upgrade item for the room type (e.g. being able to upgrade a level 3 maid quarters with materials created for a level 1 maid quarters)
+ Fixed cop general concern level being set to a specific value rather than added to when a call from a character goes badly
+ Fixed action target arrow for the unbox action
+ Fixed guards favouring idle mode related goals over seeking out hostile characters
+ Fixed cops trying to arrest the master not using tasers when very outnumbered by maids while attempting an arrest, made them and visitors in general a bit more inclined to use tasers as well
+ Added new saving and loading code
+ Value changes for concerns are now forgotten after four hours (for save file size)
+ Cops are now allowed to leave by default
+ Plant zombies being guided by characters will no longer transform before reaching the yard they are being guided to
+ Visitors who know about alraune seeds should now always help out visitors who are following goals relating to an alraune seed infecting them
+ Hopefully fixed succubuses seeking sleeping targets ignoring targets in rooms adjacent to corridors they are heading through to reach other corridors
+ Added a quick destroy clothing action when viewing the laundry that creates destroy actions on as many outfits (that aren't associated with a visitor form character still in the manor) as possible
+ Fixed destroy every action targeting items that can't normally be destroyed
+ Modified the destroy every action to no longer affect items carried by maids (caused all maid outfits to be destroyed when trying to clear out the laundry, for example)
+ Fixed boxed alraunes counting towards the alraune cap
+ Fixed characters removing handcuffs on others being more effective than intended
+ Ropes/handcuffs/etc. applied by player controlled characters can now be removed by player controlled characters instantly
+ Fixed maids ordered to do actions not always following the ordered lock order. This may have side effects, as it required a (hopefully sensible) change that affects the 'go to x and do y' goal used for most orders
+ Made a couple of possible fixes for cops sometimes having memories of their partner as a visitor
+ Succubuses should no longer make characters sleepy when they are heading to have sex with someone
+ Added an order for maids determining whether they take extra outfits to the laundry or not
+ Cops no longer gain the leave concern when unaware that the barrier usually prevents exit
+ Characters full transformed by the identity mirror are now forgotten by player controlled characters (similar to them forgetting characters who leave, etc.)
+ The amount of time before cops are viewed as missing now depends on the size of the manor as well as the chosen setting; the default has been reduced slightly to compensate but won't automatically apply to existing settings
+ Made visitors generally more likely to fall for cursed items
+ Fixed visitors becoming worried when they lock the door of the room they are in
+ Fixed Josephine image set aroused cop image name
+ Fixed ordering guards/witches to go undercover
+ Cops should now always send an arrest group when cops have gone missing
+ Minimum arrest group size set to four
+ Fixed errors when ordering a character to magically raise the concerns of a character in another room
+ Visitors should no longer keep following characters who are fully transformed by the identity mirror
+ Maids ordered not to unlock doors while moving idly/following orders will now make an exception for barricades barricading the room they are in
Get Manor
Transform visitors into creepy, near identical maids
Status | In development |
Author | tirelesslurker |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | Adult, gender-bender, Monster Girls, transformation |
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