Manor Alpha 8
Alpha 8 is now ready. There's a lot of smaller stuff and fixes; highlights are some new traitor stuff, some basic items for the visitors to find and use, and a bunch of new images (visitors sleeping and all characters incapacitated).
+ Added an order option when viewing a room to summon all maids
+ Added an order option when viewing a room to have all maids in a room stop any actions they are taking
+ Added change type filter options when viewing a known character or identity memory
+ The visitor clothes of a character who begins training as a maid now usually teleport to the laundry instead of needing to be taken there
+ Added a corruption trap book option
+ Added an option to set the diffuser mode of all diffusers when viewing a diffuser
+ Added suspicion diffuser, trap book, drug and meal effects
+ Added a direct action to make a character suspicious of a particular other character
+ Characters should now have a better idea of the direction characters went when leaving a room
+ Added an option to continue the game after finishing a round (if the master is still active)
+ Forgetting body swap knowledge is now an option for the forget knowledge action
+ Fixed maids being unable to attack sleeping characters
+ Fixed trainees following other characters rescuing themselves (or other trainees)
+ Added incapacitated images
+ Added visitor sleeping images
+ Fixed some instances of characters sharing memories involving the character they are sharing it with
+ Fixed crash when trainees ask someone who has never met them for help
+ Fixed crash when secret maids/traitors create rumours
+ Fixed crash when cancelling back from an action sub menu
+ Being seen naked by the maids now affects a visitors embarrassment level while searching for their clothes
+ Traitors and secret maids can now praise the work of a maid, increasing the targets trust in that maid
+ Fixed secret maids and traitors trying to start rumours more often than intended
+ Added a utility command to mass add a 'forget character' action on all characters who remember the visitor form of a character
+ Forgetting characters has been changed to take into account weird and suspicious actions by characters as well (bond, then suspicion, then weirdness are forgotten before knowledge of the character is removed)
+ Characters now remember events they were involved in that don't have any associated values for them (e.g. remembering that they were wandering in their underwear), which should prevent other weird memory sharing cases
+ Characters can now reconsider moves after a character enters their current room; at the moment this applies only to fighting (e.g. maids will cancel a move on seeing hostile characters, visitors will do so if they aren't outnumbered, etc.)
+ Fixed inversion of character initiative order; except move phase is now deliberately reversed (low initiative characters commit to moves first)
+ Visitors will now tie up the master (though she will quickly escape her bonds for now)
+ Katanashi can now start the training of a traitor (high power cost)
+ Changed the 'order maids here to do nothing' action to 'order characters here to do nothing'
+ Trainees now wake up characters they believe are visitors to ask them for help
+ Added filter options to the full value change log for a character
+ Hopefully fixed some layout weirdness when changing between filters
+ Added male trainees genderbending at halfway through their training option when starting training
+ Fixed trainees rerolling if they are following orders for the turn when the player changes the order they give the trainee for a turn
+ Made trainees more disobedient at low obedience values
+ Traitors now gradually build up guilt from seeing transformations, trainees, and those they used to know. They may double cross the master if it gets higher than their corruption
+ Added an alternate, power costing form of the deal that causes the traitor to turn into a maid if they double cross the master
+ Memories shared before a traitor proves they aren't a traitor (e.g. rumours) should no longer be trusted after a character convinces a visitor they aren't a traitor any more
+ Fixed crash in traitor ai in some cases
+ Fixed card backing not transitioning green -> red when a character's transformation is cured
+ Fixed rare crash sometimes when checking suspicion
+ Added visitors (and traitors or secret maids) calling for help
+ Added concern changes to the character value change log
+ Added maids turning into secret maids with the appearance of specific characters
+ Fixed a glitch that might have occasionally broken identity tracking
+ Fixed a bug breaking summing of weird/suspicion concerns
+ Fixed suspicious and weird concerns not including changes that weren't related to observed events (e.g. reduction after asking about it)
+ Fixed next page button always being visible when viewing known characters
+ Fixed clothes being removed not triggering a character image update in some circumstances
+ Fixed being able to teleport clothing off characters in some cases it wasn't intended to be possible
+ Possibly fixed rare crash when interrupting chats
+ Hopefully fixed the cause of the occasional lingering action displays
+ Fixed issue affecting various tfs causing characters to often not correctly observe the tf that occurred in front of them
+ Visitors who are interrupted while eating will now leave their food behind
+ Characters who look like visitors (visitors, secret maids, traitors) now drop visitor clothing that isn't theirs
+ Fixed multiple maids trying to move the same incapacitated character
+ Details of the link of a specific memory of a character to the overall memory of the character are now shown when viewing the memory
+ Added some basic stat boost items that start in the manor for visitors to pick up.
-> The player can't interact with these, and maids who confiscate or take the items can only carry them for eight turns
-> The destination can be changed while viewing a maid
+ Traitors should now become aware after accepting the master's deal
+ Traitors should now be a little less insistent about spreading rumours and reducing concerns
+ Traitors now see to their hunger and sleep concerns
+ Fixed non-ordered goals being kept when characters transform into maids
+ Becoming a trainee now maintains player ordered goals (e.g. traitors)
+ Visitors who are annoyed at toggleable items (radios or diffusers) are now concerned when the device is turned back on (varies by source)
+ Fixed concern log being in the opposite time order to other logs (should be newest first)
+ Fixed question maid job action failing on dazed trainees
Get Manor
Transform visitors into creepy, near identical maids
Status | In development |
Author | tirelesslurker |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | Adult, gender-bender, Monster Girls, transformation |
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