Manor Alpha 20 Patch 1

Various fixes and some tweaks/minor additions to champions. Alpha 21 champion poll result is here - Christine won so she'll go in after Amu, and Lotta and Talia might make it if I have time.


+ Hopefully fixed a crash occurring when champions have been removed from the game but are still expected to check in
+ Fixed traitor champions not removing their check in timers after leaving the manor
+ Fixed various target magical seeking goals not predicting movements
+ Hopefully fixed traitors attacking champions who have noticed that they are traitors, when the champion isn't hostile to them (e.g. during investigation before having evidence)
+ Fixed teleporting the manor not clearing power use
+ Fixed champion checkin hours and window settings sliders
+ Fixed trainees swapped into maid bodies effectively instantly finishing their training
+ The master, witches and guards can now be ordered to upgrade rooms
+ Greatly increased the default power use amount required to attract the attention of champions
+ Shifted champion stats to mostly be buffs from their champion items
+ Added the orders screen to the tutorial
+ Added some stuff about the orders screen to the manual/updated some parts to mention it
+ Added a tutorial step about character type caps
+ Allowed the master to seal items
+ Added banishing champion items to gain contribution. The item must be sealed first, and it takes additional power to banish
+ Added an option when viewing a room upgrade item to pick a maid and then a target room (if multiple options exist) to upgrade
+ Champions no longer opportunisitically commune with monstergirls (they will only commune with explicitly sought targets). This may return as a special ability for a champion type later
+ Characters following other characters due to being suspicious can now be shooed out of rooms ... but they will spy from the room they are shooed into
+ Fixed champions communing with characters in stasis
+ Fixed a crash sometimes occurring when character are guiding characters to characters


(Prior Version) Manor Windows Alpha 20 Patch 666 MB
91 days ago
(Prior Version) Manor Mac Alpha 20 Patch 673 MB
91 days ago
(Prior Version) Manor Linux Alpha 20 Patch 1.tar.gz 664 MB
91 days ago

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