Manor Alpha 16
Many fixes, minor changes, and the bunnygirl upgrade for maids.
+ Visitors focused on their leave concern will now ask someone at least once about leaving before trying to research the barrier
+ Fixed hostility check for slowing down incapacitation recovery not checking the right character for hostility
+ Hopefully fixed some weird edge cases with character recovery - characters should be able to help anyone recover as long as there are no characters who are hostile to the healing character
+ Fixed visitors following other visitors only fighting maids and Katanashi
+ Possibly fixed a case where an unaware visitor doing research would wait around for an aware visitor to tell them things, even when the aware visitor is unconscious/etc.
+ Fixed an issue preventing characters from fleeing through locked doors they are able to open
+ Fixed a bunch of cases where fleeing from combat for player controlled characters due to ai modes would be cancelled
+ Maids idly confiscating items should no longer confiscate cursed items
+ Characters that can hide who need to clear doors to continue pathing should now bash/clear them before hiding
+ The entrance yard now has a lower max upgrade level than the rear yard (4/6 entrance/rear)
+ Some visitor goals (asking about behaviour, spying on characters/rooms, asking about concerns) are now considered complete if the related concern becomes unimportant
+ Succubuses can now sate the sexual desires of sleeping traitors through their dreams, added an idle mode to have them do so
+ Controlled characters can now call groups of their friends to the manor. The success rate is a lot higher for traitors than for other controlled character types
+ Added a self determination concern to traitors - ordering them around raises it, allowing them to act freely lowers it. High values cause a traitor to do as they please instead of following orders
+ Traitors can now barricade doors
+ Possible fix for a soft lock in some circumstances
+ Alraunes should now use pheromones when unhidden if they cannot hide and there are valid targets
+ Maids who go undercover should now have their visitor clothes change to match their undercover forms
+ Added a new combat mode for alraunes, Never Engage, in which they will stay passive when revealed. The current Do Not Fight has been renamed Fight If Cornered (in that mode, alraunes fight when they are revealed and cannot hide)
+ Beegirls now take a few more turns to arrive when approaching the manor and have a timer
+ In extended mode, beegirl attacks now occur every few days (according to a setting in gameplay settings), with more attacking if there is more unharvested pollen
+ Maid fight orders should now cancel if their target becomes friendly instead of being followed through on
+ Unaware and aware visitors now have some interactions with characters in stasis. Unaware visitors will pose maids (which they find fun, but weird) and aware visitors will break bees free of your control if they do not know how to cure them, and drag maids in stasis to the library to research a cure if they do not know one
+ Unaware and aware visitors who do not know about succubuses now have a chance to read succubus contracts. This will activate the contract as usual, but at a reduced power cost depending on the reader's magic and will also imbue the reader with knowledge of succubuses (and unaware visitors will become aware due to seeing a succubus after)
+ It's now possible to set a favoured trap book in the library
+ Added boxing up characters for pickup. Unaware visitors might peek into or rip open unattended boxes
+ Fixed succubuses bound to contracts losing their gear
+ Moved controlled beegirl orders to the false hive
+ Added a rush power that activates a controlled characters action before all others (including observers)
+ Added an Ignore combat option for succubuses, in which they won't react to hostiles that are a danger to them (i.e. rather than fighting or fleeing they'll do what they were doing anyway)
+ Radios and diffusers are now bought from the contribution shop in extended mode instead of being created using power, extra and tool bags can no longer be created with power. The display sword, heavy statuette, glowing ring and faulty taser items have also been swapped over, and be purchased more than once. The gem of obsession and succubus pendant have been swapped over but are still one of a kind
+ Vacuums, maid dusters, mops, cute chokers and door upgrade materials can now be created with power in non-extended mode
+ Swapped the gameplay settings section to tabs
+ Added maid name changing, and temporary controlled beegirl name changing (beegirls will retain their name until they forget it by e.g. returning to human form)
+ Added a different action line icon for when visitors are observing neighbouring rooms
+ Added an option to set maids to idle clean a particular room and rooms neighbouring it
+ Action selection now appears when a character has multiple options for interacting with a door (generally repair and one other while carrying a tool bag)
+ Characters confiscating/taking items should now wait properly for the target when the target is moving into their current room
-> The fix for taking items might have complicated or buggy side effects
+ Fixed character goals that involve taking clothing breaking when an ai update is caused when the take action has been created but not yet activated
+ Added the bunnygirl upgrade/form for maids. They lack a few regular maid abilities (particularly specialised assignment idles, room/door upgrading), and have some that regular maids can't do (entertain, flirt, proposition)
+ Horny visitors will proposition each other and maids for sex; couples will try to find their partner unless very aroused
+ Revamped the following goal that visitors have to be possible to disrupt by changing a character's appearance when the following character is in a different room
+ Fixed broken action text scaling
+ Fixed locked door manor concern activating when in a non-multi-door room
+ Fixed a couple of traitor goals sometimes causing them to bash doors
+ Fixed succubus binding failure causing the bound succubuses to lose their inventories
+ Maid appearance changes now properly replace the old appearance, instead of temporarily overriding it
+ Controlled beegirls and succubuses should now understand when incapacitation is about to end and hide accordingly to avoid visitors
+ Characters following other characters for various reasons should now cancel their movement actions if the character they are following cancels their movement action
+ Visitors now need to have seen maids in the manor before they try to find and rescue maids while aware, and should also only search once (unless they see a maid again)
+ Traitors should now favour starting rumours about characters their target knows
+ Added a monitor training action, which can be used to have a maid or the master direct a trainee around between dirty rooms, instructing them as they work
+ Maids and the master can now guide trainees to specific rooms, instructing them on the way if they become dazed or disobedient
+ Succubuses seeking sleeping characters should no longer try to force their way through locked doors
+ Succubuses should no longer join in with masturbating characters who aren't marked, and will avoid masturbating characters who aren't marked when they are about to finish
+ Fixed traitors accidentally making themselves drugged meals
+ Made a pretty wide reaching change to help characters keep better tracks of rooms they have checked for goals
+ Visitors should no longer try to ask characters who can't speak about their weird or suspicious behaviour, nor try to follow those that are unconscious
+ Fixed succubuses not waiting correctly when their haunt target is heading into their current room; should also make succubuses head off their targets by heading into rooms they're heading into
-> Applied the same fixes to various other player side following states
+ Fixed succubuses directly ordered to haunt characters not correctly cancelling moves when their target's move is disrupted
+ Fixed sneak moves not being possible to reconsider
+ Bunnygirls and maids set to idly distract/entertain should no longer interrupt masturbation or sex
+ Player controlled characters should no longer prevent other characters from taking their possessions (e.g. transformed controlled beegirls preventing taking of their clothing while in the room)
Get Manor
Transform visitors into creepy, near identical maids
Status | In development |
Author | tirelesslurker |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | Adult, gender-bender, Monster Girls, transformation |
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