Manor Alpha 6
Alpha 6 is now out. The main change is a revamp of how characters track identities, but there's also some body swap stuff, an expansion of the reading mechanic, loads of minor stuff and fixes.
Full Changelog:
+ Fixed visitors becoming trainees not having their idle order set to the default
+ Fixed idle order text on cards
+ Added several additional 'click on zoomed card' interface actions
+ Added a back button when viewing zoomed cards
+ Sleeping characters can now only be dragged if they are in a 'deep sleep' (a new magic action which can be resisted)
+ It's now possible to drag and drop maids on characters/items in other rooms to order actions on those objects; it's also possible to make this kind of order when a maid is incapacitated
+ Trainees that disobey a direct order no longer lose their turn
+ Fixed maids and trainees performing an extra action if their personal action has a higher priority than a player order
+ Fixed cancel actions on rooms not cancelling create item actions
+ Maids staying put will now clean rooms
+ A full identity tracking system has been added (replacing the old system that used a few flags). This will have bugs and weird outcomes
+ Fixed a major game slowdown
+ Various means through which characters can become aware now have unique 'became aware because' messages
+ Fixed characters intending to do research from staying put when characters they cannot learn anything from (due to those characters being maids) are present
+ Stopped toggleable item concerns (noise) from generating goals at low values
+ Toggleable item concerns are now removed when they are no longer a concern (reach zero value)
+ Maids told to trap/destroy/transform clothing in the laundry should no longer take it out and then back in before performing the action
+ Maids on cooking duty who are in the dining room cleaning will no longer ignore visitors who have come to be fed
+ The room maids will hide clothing in can now be selected
+ Reading has been expanded
-> When reading or researching visitors now hold books they are reading, and gain receive effect from reading the book after they finish it
-> Visitors now read random books when reading, and have a chance to read information about the mansion's magic
-> Trap books can be created in the library. When a visitor attempts to take a knowledge book, up to three will make rolls to distract the visitor into reading them instead
-> Maids can recommend trapped books to visitors reading in the library (toggled on the library)
+ Most items now have descriptions
+ Added body swapping book trap
-> Body swapped visitors will attempt to research body swapping, and if successful, will attempt to find their body and swap back
-> Swapping with a trainee will 'free' the trainee, and cause the swapped visitor to be a trainee in the other body
-> Swapping with a maid will cause the visitor to become a trainee who looks like a maid, and the maid will act as a 'secret maid' (follows orders, acts like a bored visitor but reduces concerns with a greater chance of success). Secret maids fight aware visitors, will be rescued by them, and can be transformed into maids cheaply
+ Fixed a rare crash occurring when a character following another loses track of their target
+ Kitchen food can now default to sickness food
+ Added an action to transform maids into an 'undercover' form (acts the same as maids that have body swapped into a visitor)
+ Added a body swap action
+ Made randomise arrival times a bit more random (randomises visitor arrival order and over a wider time frame)
+ Visitors will now sometimes guess the identity of maids they have bonds too (slight concern increase, and gives them a target after becoming aware)
+ Hovering appearances (e.g. maid change appearance, go undercover, trainee hide identity) now shows a tooltip with an image of the appearance as a preview
+ Maids can no longer be ordered to attend to aware visitors, and the attend to goal will end if the target becomes aware (fixes some weird behaviour)
+ Reduced weirdness and maid concern gain when seeing a character searching for their clothing
+ Fixed several settings ignoring EtM mode
+ Fixed and adjusted missing character concern (was capping out at a very low importance value)
+ Dropping an item on the room it is in no longer creates a teleport action
+ Incapacitated characters now recover later in the turn order, to ensure any incapacitation means they won't see tfs, leaving characters, etc.
+ Characters now observe their current room after recovering. This means e.g. applying first aid and reviving a character will allow that character to see tfs later in the turn order than their recovery
+ Fixed characters being transformed from the disoriented state showing the trainee image during the transformation, or not showing a transformation for a trainee tf
+ Player controlled characters should be more consistent when reducing concerns (particularly with not reducing those that can't be reduced)
+ Fixed direct order reduce concern not being able to reduce regular (hunger/bathe/etc.) concerns
+ Direct order reduce concerns should no longer list some that can't be reduced
+ Visitor clothing names should now update to match their 'owner'
+ Image set option lists are now sorted
+ Card backings now change colour during a tf
Get Manor
Transform visitors into creepy, near identical maids
Status | In development |
Author | tirelesslurker |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | Adult, gender-bender, Monster Girls, transformation |
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