Incarnasoul Alpha 19 Patch 1

Fixes, especially for some crashes.


+ Fixed a crash when loading Alpha 18 saves in which characters lacked a relationship with the player
+ Prevented automation rules listing partial traits (e.g. memory components)
+ Changed the interface for automation rule character trait string checks; fixes a few issues
+ Very loyal incarnations, and the player, can now be deincarnated without being locked up
+ Fixed wrong incarnation being deincarnated in Angry Fox Spirit critical failure
+ Fixed crash and display issues when viewing character list
+ Fixed kitsune tail transformation critical failure not removing the transformed character
+ Fixed loading of multi string traits that have no values
+ Fixed multi string traits not removing themselves when they should due to having no values (e.g. no tattoos remaining)
+ Improved handling of errors while downloading assets; hopefully shouldn't end up in bad states when issues are encountered as much
+ Fixed cancelling downloads in progress not cancelling until the download completed
+ Fixed page offset not resetting when viewing character relationships
+ Certain crashes relating to hovering buildings that have tokens should no longer happen


Incarnasoul Alpha 19 Patch 140 MB
99 days ago
Incarnasoul Linux Alpha 19 Patch 1.tar.gz 137 MB
99 days ago
Incarnasoul Mac Alpha 19 Patch 146 MB
99 days ago

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