Incarnasoul Alpha 9 Patch 4

A final round of fixes before work on alpha 10 starts.


+ Fixed purifying jewels endlessly swapping intelligence between dumb and unnotable
+ Fixed a crash occurring in some cases when knowledge copying
+ Fixed a crash often occurring when starting a new game while there is a game in progress
+ Fixed various range traits showing the wrong shorthand value on activities
+ Hopefully fixed a crash sometimes caused when an item automation rule checks certain items
+ Possibly fixed an issue with building per-turn progress when some attached characters were unable to work
+ Fixed some issues with item auto-assignment that caused e.g. pending salvage activities to never start
+ Fixed item use sometimes not updating the target character's card (e.g. on a name change)
+ Stopped doubles of items stacking the same bonus (e.g. trapper's kit or succubus perfume)
+ Fixed knowledge copying being able to select the trait being copied as the accidentally overridden extra trait
+ Fixed an issue causing "No Image" to be selected for characters due to the game treating missing images as possible matches
+ Swapped the dark gift reward from Pure Victim to be optional


Incarnasoul Alpha 9 Patch 60 MB
96 days ago
Incarnasoul Linux Alpha 9 Patch 60 MB
96 days ago
Incarnasoul Mac Alpha 9 Patch 67 MB
96 days ago

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